I have mentioned before how grateful I am for my 12 yr old grandchild, that helps me every 2nd. Saturday. Yesterday was such a day and I have been feeling awful this week, so it is just as well she was due to brighten things up.
I don't know if the medicine has to take a while but you would think by the 3rd week something would have changed. Anyway I plug along and this week we dug out the bottom of the garden and planted 3 pumpkins, 2 butternuts and a jap.
They can sprawl around this area and by the time the potatoes are ready to move the pumpkins should be about ready to take over.
Miss P added a bag of cow manure, chicken pellets and some black grit. This is not the best soil, and can get quite hard as it is a hot area, the pumpkins should love it, but I will be paying close attention to it.
From there we then went to the cabbage/cauliflowers area of which I had
picked except for one lone cabbage so that was covered as I took down
the netting. Again more chicken pellets and grit and covered in cane
mulch to stew for a week or so. I will plant more beans on the archway
there and maybe some tomatoes and put the net back on.
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One loan cabbage and in the pot found a perpetual basil. |
There is heaps more to do, but it got so hot that we went to the shade. On the verandah were some Rosemary cuttings Miss P originally planted, and with all the rain we have had this week seemed to have taken off. Taught her then the next stage of how to transfer to larger pots and we came out with 7 cuttings. Two she took home and the rest will go to the Community Garden when they settle.
As she was so interested in the herbs, we then went and dug up some Thyme and Oregano for her to start her own herb garden.
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Miss P loves cooking, and as I had a batch of Madagascar Beans which I grew, and soaking all night, decided to teach her to make vegetarian burgers.This meant using the food processor as they have carrot, onion,garlic,parsley as well. Added some Thai Green Curry paste and they taste similar to Thai Fish Cakes. So I cooked one up for her and as she loved it, and packaged up the ingredients to practice it again, on the family. Half plain and Half Thai for the grownups.
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Madagascar Bean Burgers, 1 cup of beans makes double this lot. |
We were on such a fun time introduced her to the family cakes called Nobbies. This has been going on now for 3 generations, basically a rock cake. Sent some home to dad to bring back a child hood memory as I used to make them in 10 dozen lots with 5 kids always hungry.
No recipe either just a feel for it, is there enough butter rubbed in, enough milk, sultanas, cinnamon and nutmeg, and as eggs are not used at home due to Miss G severe allergy, breaking eggs for cooking is a novelty. Miss P took to the no recipe like a fish to water as they say. It is so good to pass on knowledge to such a willing student.
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Half of the family Nobbies, the rest went home, for those who can actually eat eggs. |
The rest of the week I completed clearing a kitchen bench and took down most of the glasses on two shelves, half to the op shop and electric items in a drawer. Been clearing it all week as well as now it is a hot spot. Liking this minimalism though.
Sent in 4 more Sweet Pea bunches to the Community garden again this week along with limes, and lots of seedlings, mostly cucumbers, including Apple, Lebanese, and Marketmore, Butternut and Jap pumpkins, Tomatoes and a few flowers. Potted up heaps of lettuce, carnations, Mr. Stripey Tomatoes which are cherry ones. The group have to decide now whether I keep going as it is time to put more seeds in to have a continual supply or whether they just want to plant everything and sell the product.
I think around $60 was made last week so the Market Day venture is working.
Well that's it for this week.
Till Next Time.
Chris...that was so lovely to read. Wondering nifty in time, I get a garden if seeds would work in the post. Obviously only stuff that would grow in this climate. Take care. Scissor Suze 🤣🤣 see what I did there!!
ReplyDeleteYou are funny Suze, good blog name though. Get an allotment, do they have them in Kent? I typed in cheap seeds UK and you can get them from 25p to 99p. Not worth posting.