The Coffs Harbour judging for the Garden Competition was done this week. The Community Garden once more, won in its division again, the 2nd time in a row. The judges were amazed at the growth of the garden, which considering all the rain and the added trees to the area this year, not surprising. Nearly all the beds have now been hired also so they were all full with autumn growth as were all the flower gardens.
John receiving the plaque
The members have certainly kept the standard up and I will show some photos of all the garden as it is today that John took.
The Entrance with the sales table that now is on every Sunday morning.
The new bird bath with pansies all around the bottom and hanging baskets.
The bulb garden new this year and Red flowering gum that is growing fast.
The herb Garden dividing the Walkway
Climbing frames loaded with snow peas at the moment.
Water garden made from a plastic tank with strawberries L and beetroot plants R
View of some of the Hired beds these are numbered in comparison to the Community ones which have the alphabet.
Looking down to the road past the succulents on left and bank garden on right. More room for new beds here.
Inside the pavilion
Opposite pavilion as you enter garden full of flowers
Very productive worm farm with barrels of juice ready to go.
Grape Vines with Barrels of roses, left is to the Bush tucker garden.
New pumpkin patch dug this week ready for the seedlings that I grew.

A Variety of flowers that are growing at the moment,
Pictures never show how it looks in real life but the birds, beds and colour is amazing.
Still a lot of land to play with, more beds for hiring for example. The next two show part of the roadway and extra space. Unfortunately the area on the back fenceline gets very wet and John is waiting for a grant to come up to make this into a decorative pebble river and small dam with natural reeds to keep it clean. Between times it is very dry.

Finally the entrance again with the Gymea lilies, first time they have flowered this year. I planted them as to most of the entrance, with Johns' help, now 3 years ago. Despite a few grevillias dying, it is looking very good. The design I also did has held it's own. Easy to mow around wide enough for several people to move, the pavilion will cater for a large party, if the group so decide. More beds can be added as the community itself grows. In fact most of the beds now have been raised 3 boards high, to cater for the members who are retired. Everything is hand watered so one of the complaints is too many beds compared to the number of people watering.
Front Entrance
Still to come is the Watering Can Statue, part of the Go Fund Me thing and the Park Benches, they are there but need to be concreted in. The pathways of crushed rock have now disintegrated and a lot of time is spent weeding. I suggested to John to start concreting them and the community has agreed to buy a cement mixer and slowly do sections. It is not hard to do as we concreted a garage base when we owned a house in Sydney for the kids to live in. This will save a lot of time weeding.
With many hands they can do quite a bit on a working bee.
The selling of flowers and vegetables has also been successful. I have been sending in sweet peas but noticed when I was there on the presentation that there are heaps of flowers that could be picked, but some one has to organize this. I am pleased though that the designated flowers beds especially for selling is still going. I knew flowers would sell well, so pleased it hasn't been dropped.
Now that the" Market" has moved to the garden itself rather than the markets stalls, much easier to do. The group have to organize themselves though to each man the stall on a rotating base. More money means more pathway for example.
All in all though what I considered to be "my baby" has grown up very well and a credit to the Community that is currently keeping it going. When I feel better and have some energy I may go back again, but at the moment have to concentrate on my health and in fact my own garden which is large.
I do miss the company though. The AGM is coming up next month and I suspect John will be President/Treasurer again for the 4th year.
Till Next Time.
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