
Sunday, March 3, 2019


Sorting Out the Craft Room

I haven't been out in the garden much as it has been lightly raining most of the week here and slowly but surely I have been going through all my craft room items. Since everything was taken out to put the new cupboards in, I thought that this was a good time.
 Inspiration from  Totally Tiffany Organizing Challenge has been what I have tried to follow week by week. This is the 2nd time round for me but with so much stuff and so little time, nothing is done quickly.

Catalogue of dies for shapes.

This time I have been doing a catalogue of products. So for about three weeks now I have been cutting out all my dies and sticking them into a book, two books actually one for words and  alphabets and the other for flowers.

The ones that are alphabets on my  long dies I just took a photo of, much easier which I did for my stamps as well.

Saved a lot of time with the stamps doing it like this.

These are all very old ones. 

The new cling type I have on plastic sheets in a book so I can just flip through them.
The colours of things took ages even though I haven't a lot it does tell me what they look like when used.

Green page

I am fitting everything easily into my new cupboards and labelling as I go, it is going to take a while, and eventually I hope to make cards to sell, as well as do more scrapbooking of the children's books, before they get much older, and of our holidays as well.

Behind me at my corner desk is the above cupboard that John built, it is holding all the paper and bigger things, need more work on it but I am getting there.

Doesn't look this neat anymore lol. 

Current state of cupboards, but I am forever changing where things go. 

This is going to be my winter project, we will see how much I get done. Have you set yourself up with a major project, for the next few months?

Till Next Time.

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