
Sunday, December 19, 2021


Prepping for a Cocktail Party & Wedding Anniversary.

I celebrated our 49th Wedding Anniversary on the 16th, alone. Well Miss P turned up which was good at least I had company, but John went off to his Dr. friends 2 1/2 hrs. away to fix the computers. He would have had a lovely catered lunch with wine and good company, I had been thinking of a picnic  down by the river.

These lovely flowers turned up in the afternoon, I think this was the first time we weren't together for our anniversary which was disappointing as no celebration.

On the other hand I have been busy as usual, two of the children will be turning up Wednesday or Thursday, so madly trying to finish the hall walls. I should finish off the first coat today and the 2nd. on Monday hopefully, as it is a lot of work.

Nearly Finished
Yesterday morning, while cool, I cut the hedges as they were getting a bit overgrown. The Gazebo is going to be turned into a Christmas Eve Party area. As our DIL is having a Christmas Dinner around 6 or so, I decided that a cocktail party was in order with finger food and an opportunity to hand out the Aunty/Uncle and Grandma presents. Miss C turned 18 in Oct. (hence the cocktails) and Miss G is 20 in February, so something different for them. I have been cooking and freezing all sorts of things in readiness. By request there will be 3 cocktails, Pina Colada, Strawberry Daiquiri, and a Kahula chocolate, banana one known as a Monks Bum.. lol. The kids are having a mock version with orange juice

Having a  Christmas lunch for the first time in many years, is also something new, as it is a long wait till Dinner, so having lamb with a variety of salad and plum pudding. Not too much with a 2nd meal later, otherwise it will be a  pretty dull Christmas day. 

Miss P is trying to earn extra money so she is coming again Monday, and I will get her to help me clean up the rest of the garden in this area and put out some chairs, tidy the gazebo, and maybe get out the plates and cutlery etc.. 11 family in all.

Maybe then I can fit in cleaning the rest of the house lol.

Taken back in March this year of the sample.

The good news is now that the Qld. border is open we can FINALLY collect our caravan. The appointment is 10am Tuesday, so John, who had a covid test as required, is going up Monday, staying the night somewhere, then picking it up after a 2hr. go over. I didn't want to go as not having the covid test and  nothing much I could do as we can't stay or anything and really I haven't got time for it.

At least I can now quickly empty the dining room table of  caravan stuff  if I need it Christmas Day. 

That's all for now, really busy


Till Next Time  


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