
Sunday, August 29, 2021


New Seed Starting Method.

 I was looking at You Tube and this idea came up from M I Gardener, and I thought it such a brilliant solution. If you remember way back I mentioned how I put a sheet of paper towel in a zip lock bag, wet it  and sprinkle seeds on and wait for them to germinate. Sometimes though the seed, roots into the paper and is difficult to get out without breaking so often I would cut bits up etc. Quite a fiddly process.


 M I Gardener thought of using small commercial sauce dishes, that you get with takeaways, and calling it the Petrie Dish, so I bought a pack of 30 thinking way too many, but managed to fill all of them. Really though you could even use takeaway containers, or anything small and lidded.

  A small bit of paper towel goes in the bottom, which  you wet, so there is some moisture to start the seeds off. 

Sprinkle away and close the lid. I labelled all mine as I wouldn't remember what is what. The seeds tend to grow up to the lid, and much easy to pull out than across the paper.

Marigolds and Poppies started on day 4.
Lettuce and rocket started the next day, cucumber day 3, so I have planted them into a larger system. You have to be very careful picking up seeds that have just stated so you don't break off the root. 

Beans went mouldy so not a big enough space for them and paper towel folded just on a plate, much better.

Growing in the glass house.

Seeds from the Petrie dishes will go into the grey container which makes a  seedling plug you push out from the bottom, ready for planting out in the garden.

John cut open a supermarket capsicum and cut out the seed inside in one whole piece, so I planted it as an experiment, into a pot as is, stalk and all. Then underneath the stalk 3 weeks later little seedling trying to come up.

 So I repotted some of them and threw the rest away, otherwise I could have started a farmers market in capsicums. I put 4 into 4 pots which is ample, and will give some to the community garden, after I repot each into single containers. I also don't really like capsicums, so will just plant 3 or 4 for John.

 The weather has been so lovely, I am spending a bit of time in the garden cleaning up and preparing for all these seeds. I also have been working on the craft area again trying to sort more stuff.

Blue bells from the garden

 Last week I went to the physio to learn exercises, to strengthen muscles, to help my knees, with another visit on Wednesday, which is the day I go back on my RA medicines, thank goodness.

We had a surprise phone call from our Caravan people to say it would be ready, end of first week in September. Only trouble is it will be at the Gold Coast to pick up, that is, if it gets there, as the caravans are made in Victoria. NSW of course, is locked out to Qld. 

We are now waiting instructions for the next step.

Till Next Time.

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