
Sunday, July 26, 2020


The Decluttering Continues

It is pouring rain as I type and this week cancelled my grand daughters visit because of it. It has been raining since last Friday. On top of which after my visit to Brisbane and the specialist, who informed me my Rheumatoid Arthritis is now active after 10 years in remission, so quite a shock, and  I needed time to process that.

Queensland Border Passes, need to visit the Dr.

 Mum's Dr. and a speech therapist  also rang, a couple of days ago,  to say they are trying to help with swallowing liquid and puree food due to the fact her brain no longer knows how to. Dr. mentioning they  will put her on morphine, if needed. We were also called in to see her again, but  I decided not to go this time, I have already said goodbye. Thankfully my sister did and mum was just asleep as usual.

 I have kept busy, but mentally it hasn't been a great week. I am required to start self injections of  the same medicine, but it is a full dose spaced out weekly. In the early days I tried self injections, with another medicine, hated it and pleased it didn't work. I am not sure how this is going to kick start me back in remission, as I am on a half dose 5 to 6 weekly now, last one on Wednesday, and which if taken every 4 weeks causes the neutrophils of my white blood count to go low. I know, I know,  getting complicated, needless to say "watch this space"

Sheets, pillowcases, doonas etc.
Fabric and Christmas boxes

I put away the boxes of material from last week, after cleaning all the shelves. This week I dragged all the wool down from the top and started sorting that. So many 3 or 4 balls that some date back to my young children days. The eldest just turned 46 so definitely had this wool a long time. I have a mantra now of, " do I need it, will I use it and how much time will I have"?
 I can always do crotchet rugs but the time now is always taken up with lots of things,  and I also have a huge stash of quilting fabric to use. Results of working at Spotlight catching up with me now. So in my future, the craft that I am keeping, will definitely keep me busy and still have a bit left over. Anyway kept the quantities of wool which is usually 20 balls or so needed for a cardigan, or jumper and which I could use for rugs instead. Lots of hard decisions there, but still lots left.

Handy stool in middle while I sorted this stuff out.

I packed it and labelled it, like to like so all the op shop has to do is price it and put it out in the shop. I hope some one in great need finds this wool and has a lovely surprise.

The front entrance is now getting crowded again, ready for delivery to the op shop. I still have to pack mine into boxes and put on the shelf. At night I have also been finishing off some knitting I started last year, a lovely cardigan, and up to the sleeves now. When finished will show you all. I am also working on another secret craft project.

Bagged and ready for the op shop

 While doing all this been watching The Victorian Kitchen Garden series, that includes the Victorian Flower Garden and  Victorian Kitchen. Plus the Wartime Garden. These star Harry Dodson and is set in a walled garden of which he was Head Gardner for most of his life, and Ruth Mott in the last two as cook, who also was part of the huge kitchens of that time  and where she started as a scullery maid. These were done in the late1980's and early 1990's. So interesting and it has been a few years since I watched them. Just the thing for this week. You can find them on you tube, highly recommend if you like this sort of stuff.

 I have his book which I am now reading also. Getting my brain around starting seeds for Spring.
This was my pick from 3 days ago, but a lot of it is on its way out so needs refreshing with new plants.

Off now to have lunch and  start the fire, such a lovely warm heat on these cold chilly days.

Till Next Time.

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