
Sunday, January 1, 2023


New Year 2023, Boys Camping, Girls day Out,

 Happy New Year everyone, and Happy Birthday to my sister. Other than a quick birthday visit it will be a quiet day today. The family have all left and now I can catch up with everything. The past week has been busy.

The boys all went camping and had a wonderful time, swimming down gentle rapids, cooking marshmallows and making damper. All were very tired on return. 


John with his usual activity.

Boys Camp Site
The girls had a lovely picnic at a very crowded local river, and we ended up at the furthermost point, an all grass area under the trees. The swimmers had a short walk to go for a swim, although the current was fairly strong.

On A Quiet Day, but was Packed this time.

 Our normal area above, but was so packed with cars and people had to go as far as we could along the road around the corner, left of this area, where the mangroves are.

The next day we had our nails done or a pedicure, which I chose, as too much gardening ahead for me with overgrown gardens full of weeds, to have pretty nails. This was the very first time I have ever had a pedicure, could get used to it easily.


Miss P before cutting length.
It has been lovely to see the family again but it goes to quickly, and we usually only see them twice a year if we visit as well.
 John and I visited the jeweler for my 50 Year Anniversary present, and I chose two necklaces and a ring shaped pendant, all of which I will always wear at the same time.

Feeling very spoilt, as other than a gold bracelet he got probably 35 years ago, this is very special, to get jewellery.

So .......2023 here we go.

Till Next time.




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