
Sunday, August 28, 2022


Clean Up of the Son's Vineyard.

 After spending Friday and Saturday doing a major effort on the vineyard, I decided today to give my poor body a rest. It is going to take several days to finish it, and I will go back when I can. 

Our son lives on an acre, and made a small vineyard in the back corner. Last year though the grapes failed and as every year he lets it get overgrown, waiting two years was a bit too long. Mind you there is plenty of wine already made, as the vines are now 10 years old both white and red.

There was a huge lot of tall weeds, even a couple of saplings, and lantana. The easiest thing to do first was cut the net down the centre of the rows, throw them over into the middle  of the next row, and roll it up as we went to then drag it out. Sounds easy, but believe me it wasn't. 

Cutting the net down the centre with a knife.

Net was then pushed over to the other side.

Pushing the net over a high wire fence line was at my highest reach, so in the end grabbed a handle off one of the tools and used that. In the meantime it meant using the secateurs to cut all the growth to do that. Lots of bending too, and prickly stuff.

After all this was done, then the ride on mower was taken down each pathway. The nets all piled into the trailer and taken to the dump. One of many rubbish/weed loads.

Cutting the spurs back to two nodules for Spring burst, after the tractor run. Even the chickens helped.
 The younger kids helped me clean up between the paths and around the vines, with metal rakes I took, we dragged all the cut stuff to the end, and using hedge clippers cut all the grass around the vines as well, this was yesterday as it took all day Friday to get to that stage.
Digging in around the edges of vines.
 In the meantime the big trees on the fence line were all being pruned severely to about half the height, and two Camellias as well. This was all chipped with the Community Garden Chipper and using their large trailer taken to the newly built extra large mulch bins. One load went Saturday and today will be another two, in all probably close to 5 loads.

Trees in back pruned to haf as well

John cutting one of the Camellias.

Chipping the branches

Out the front the fence hedge was also being cut back. 


I actually enjoyed my two days, being with the family and the kids. Miss P had yet another bad cold, but she cleaned up the kitchen prepared lunch, morning and afternoon teas each day and made chocolate muffins. 

Today I am going to declutter some magazines after flipping through them, and the sweet peas are out so will pick my first bunch of the year. 

Till Next Time. 



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