
Sunday, August 16, 2020


Life Goes On - Garden and Pantry

 It was a really warm day yesterday, quite a shock to the system, after all our cold weather. It was like suddenly summer. I am exhausted today and in pain with RA. Two of the grand daughters helped me in the garden, Miss P's usual work day, with Miss V age 7 as a bonus. Just love their enthusiasm of doing things differently to what they do at home. So had them running up and down the back yard, filling compost bins, while we weeded the front.

Pulled down all the snow peas, as starting to go off as well as getting so high I can't reach the peas.

Snow Peas

Dug up half of the strawberries too plant down the back, which I will do today as 2 parcels arrived and it was so hot by then called it quits in the garden. 

Very overcrowded with strawberry bed.
Strawberries moved to here, half done
Miss P finished off potatoes and put them down in the council inspection area.

The two parcels are thanks to the government incentive funds, I decided to sort out the pantry with some nice containers. These have air tight locks. We unpacked them on the verandah where it was cooler. 

Supervised by Einstein.

These girls loved popping all the plastic that came with the boxes. Wish I could find some fun in such a small thing. Life seems hard at the moment. 

Miss V is 7, this is her helping me .

Miss P and I washed it all and then dried it which surprisingly took a good hour, after which I took them both home. I started to fill some of the containers to get a feel what I would do. There is some clear label tape on its way hopefully next week, and I will print in black.

Miss V stacked the lids outside to dry, they held a bit of water from washing. 

My pantry is always so hard to keep neat, but decluttering a lot of dishes from the kitchen is my next focus, and re-arranging things around with new found empty drawers. Well hopefully.

Testing the sizes.

 I still think I will keep only one container on above shelf even though two in front of the other will fit. There is plenty of room to work it out. Looks like next week's work is sorted. 


Till Next Time

1 comment:

  1. Love the fact that the girls enjoy working in the garden. Must be a happy place for you.
    Your containers look good, it will be nice when they are all filled.
    Stay safe.


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