
Saturday, May 20, 2017


Work at the Community Garden

At the last meeting I was made Garden Manager of the South Coffs Community Garden, one acre of bare ground,with a couple of containers, a low boundary fence and an assortment of donated things like old flower pots, a polytunnel in pieces no cover, pots and potting tables, and a new trailer.

Garden in  the beginning with fence put in and two containers

Paths in an oval and crossed in the middle

Sooo lots of organizing to do and trying to design a workable plan, from the concept design the council did. Not that it will be true to type as the walkways has already been changed in position.

Promoting at Shopping Centre

We had a membership drive at the shopping centre last month and gained 3 new members, total now of about 25.

 The last of the grants have gone into wood for garden beds, a chipper, some seedling mix, and star pickets, and a green shade cloth for the polytunnel pieces.

The new entrance

 John and I made an entrance with some free edging and a few grevillias. My feeling at the moment is to get as much public stuff  happening to encourage more members.

 Our first major working  bee last week, making up 20 wooden  garden beds in all. Some part filled with thanks to the council for some soil, and mulch.
  An overcast day to start, which was good, but then got hotter by lunch. Very tired when we got home.We had 12 on our working bee, overall.

Drilling holes for locating next bit.

We started at 8 am.

My sister Jan doing the next bit.

Putting It all together

Working hard filling the beds.

Managed to fill 9 beds with soil and mulch.

Lots of hard work deserves resting with a morning tea and  BBQ lunch.

The gang.

Today our new chipper arrived and the boys had fun, learning how to work it. It is very loud.

Graham President, John Treasurer and Bob.

I am in the middle of doing a video so we can go on one of the public fund type sites, to help get a pavillion and bbq area done, plus fruit trees, a composting toilet and water tanks and a ride on mower, as so much grassed area to deal with.

At the next meeting in June I will be presenting my concept for the future, with some drawings not terribly good, but hopefully the members will get an idea of what I am thinking. Will keep you up to date of our progress.

Till next time


  1. Congratulations Chris on becoming Garden Manager. They certainly have the right person. I really look forward to your updated posts and a big thank you to everyone involved xx.
    Love the edging you used at the front entrance too.

  2. WOW! Gosh Chris, you and your garden members have created a small miracle in a piece of what looked like wasteland! Well done!

  3. You have achieved so much. Looking forward to seeing how it goes.

  4. This is really cool! It's starting to look awesome. I could see primary school kids having day trips out to the community park to learn about all the different plants.


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