
Sunday, June 11, 2023


The Community Garden Update June 2023

 The Garden is looking lovely at the moment, and there have been quite a  few new members joining as well.

The installation of the Container has still not happened yet but the council has approved everything for it to do so. It is sitting at our sons' house just waiting. The other two that were put in originally didn't need any of this fuss that the council now needs. They were ordered and delivered no problem. All is ready and waiting for this one though. The beds run north to south.

These tanks are part of the pavilion.

The main happening is the Syntropic Gardens that have been put in at the back right hand side. This was an initiative of the Council and 3 full workshop  days have been spent on it. A coordinator was paid who has his own Syntropic farm not far away from Coffs Harbour. Basically it is a form of permaculture but keeping every tree low between 3 - 5 metres, and fruit and veg planted between, with loads of mulch. They have all been planted out, mangos, pinapples, bananas, strawberries, garlic, jabotica, is what I remember but lots of different things there. Most winter vegetables as well,  so now a wait and see what happens.

Soil was flattened around first, a very wet area though.

3 beds have been made so far and a forth when the hoops come out from the fruit trees which have died.

These next photos were taken at the end of May, but it had been raining.

Entrance from Pavilion
Walking past pavilion on left toward bush house.

From Pavilion Area Community Beds on right members on left.

Part of the Community Area

Most of the food in the Community Area is sold on the Market Stall.

Members area 20 beds in all.

Members Area looking towards original Container Sheds, and worm farms on right.

Licorice painted succulent stands.

Looking towards the back  LHS with Hanging Gardens.

White Poinsettia


  A few seats are starting to be put around as well. Yellow chrysanthemums that must be close to coming out now.

Towards the Pavilion from other side.

There are two thriving worm farms made from baths and a large compost and soil delivery area

Worm farm and Compost area.


 I hope you enjoyed the progress of this garden, it is now 5 years old. Still open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sunday Mornings.  Morning Tea at 10am. Visitors Welcome.

Till Next Time

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it's amazing how far it has come in just 5 years. something to be proud of! Looks amazing


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