
Sunday, April 4, 2021


Verandah Posts are Gone & Replaced with Wire.

 John has been working hard on getting rid of all the posts on the verandah and changing over to wire. The painting done by me was getting to much to do every few years, plus some of the posts were rotting and they are hard to get as well.The choice therefore was either glass...too expensive ... or wire. Miss P and I did some rail and post painting, last week refreshing everything, with John doing one  tall pole and a bit of finishing off.

Front are with the wood uprights, which I would still like to keep if possible.

The back corner of the verandah would be about 2.4m or 8 feet  off the ground, which is quite scary without any railing at all, which is was for a few weeks. Now with the wire, still scary as you can see right through, so will be a case of getting used to it. I know some mothers with young children don't like it at all due to the fact that some kids could put there head between, even though this is done to the standard measurements recommended by law. As all our little ones are now grown up not a problem for us.

Holes ready for wire after painting. Tall Posts to be painted white.

John adding the clips, that hold the wires.

So with all the painting of the rails finished, this week was stringing it all together. Underneath the hand rails is also some square metal in the space there, to support all the tension required so they don't go flying off with the  pressure. 

The last of the clips being fitted yesterday, wires joining the pole.

The next step now is to replace the floorboards. Once the caravan is sorted out and we still are waiting  on the insurance, I think this is now week 6, we shall get the plastic floorboards, a section at a time.

Wires are in, floorboards next step

I was video chatting to our youngest daughter in California yesterday as it was her birthday, and was showing her the new railing, but she  was looking through the wire, trying to find it, which is why it is also hard to photograph.

I took the above photo to show you the wire and it's openness but also that Miss P and I started the back yesterday. Two gardens weeded and covered in black builders plastic. I hope it kills everything and does the trick, so I can ignore it for as long as I want. 

In the front garden the snow peas, and carrots planted with other veg. two weeks ago, have just started to come through. John went to Bunnings also so I got him to get some brocolli and cabbage. Pretty disgusted with the seedlings though very leggy and the cabbage must have at least 20 in the punnet which is such a waste. I wouldn't have purchased them but will plant them in deeper and hope they don't rot. Apparently a long line of cars waiting to get in due to the Easter weekend.

The wheely bin is full again, so many weeds as usual, and the Japanese windflowers are all out, looking pretty. 

If Miss P hadn't come yesterday, I wouldn't have bothered doing any of it, the morning was cold and I am always feeling tired, so it is just as well. After morning tea we also did my linen press again and picked up where we left off weeks and weeks ago. Looking so much more organized as well with the labels she did. The black cloth boxes are from Kmart two for $5, and hold a lot. Slowly getting it all done.

Today I am finishing off the last of the linen press that was loaded up in the hall way, and have planted the broccoli and cabbage x 8 each and sent the rest off with John to the Community Garden this morning so they can plant them. 

Daylight hours were finished last night and now we are keeping time with Queensland and the rest of the world. 

Happy Easter 2021 everyone.

Till Next Time.

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