
Sunday, September 22, 2019


Planting for Summer and 1st. Prize.

The Community Garden entered the Annual Garden Competition again this year. They have changed the rules where by a commercial garden with professional gardeners get points taken off and non commercial voluntary get them added. Not sure exactly how that works but never the less the Community Garden  got 1st. prize.

I didn't go to the presentation this time as I have not attended most of the garden working days this year, and I was busy with the eldest son, so John went on his own, as no-one from the garden went either. A lot of preparation in the last week paid off. John mowed all the grass, and work was done of mulching and weeding, and looked very tidy.

Entrance now has the bird houses finally on it, but will need more.

 I feel both of us have done our job, both with the design of the garden I created, the ability to raise money in selling flowers, fruit and vegetables, and the work of the Pavilion John has worked very hard on, which is more or less finished, and a water supply that my sister contributed to and a supply of chairs, plus John's amazing number of grants that made the pavilion what it is with extra tanks and solar. All of this in 2 years 4 months. It can now be used in quite a number of ways by the community. Next week I also have another workshop on Plot to Pantry.

In the meantime at our house,work goes on, we have been enjoying a nice drop of rain, and the last of the carrots of an old bed, I dug up while John topped it up with compost for me, then  I planted tomatoes. The frame when the sweet peas are finished, we will move down to the end so I can protect them from fruit fly with nets. It is a good idea not to grow tomatoes in the same place and this part hasn't had any yet.

This frame will move down for this years tomatos, once sweet peas have finished.
Garlic to soon pull out and Bok Choy in the very front plus Basil in the middle.

These tomatoes are 4 Roma, and 4 Apollo. Tidied up the strawberries and found heaps under the leaves and half buried so put straw around them all, and covered with a black net.

This next bed was also filled with compost and we moved the climbing frame down as well. This is for Purple Climbing Beans which I planted all the seeds that happened to be there when I cleaned it all. Some old beans had hung on among the snow peas. Because of the rain they had filled with water and starting to sprout. Nature at its best, so in they went, and probably too many.

 Also in the middle another 4 tomatoes, Pot Prize which don't grow to big. As yet still undecided on what to plant in the spaces. There is a new cucumber bed at the back and a new carrot bed, so still thinking on this one, which is highly unusual for me, just shows what a funny year I have had.

The rain has bought on these chrysanthemums. Aren't they lovely.

Chaucer bloomed also this week. Very pretty.

Well another end to a week. Till next time

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