
Sunday, November 27, 2022


Down in the Dirt.

It is amazing after a week away how much a garden can change. I do not know how it happens but suddenly weeds had taken over, despite doing a major clean-up before we left. 

I can only surmise that Summer has actually begun in this area, promoting a plethora of growth. Normally it wouldn't phase me, but age is catching up, and the soil has been rock hard, which again baffles me after all the rain and overcast days we have had.

Since returning I have spent every morning, weeding a bed or two, and out there by 7.30 at the latest, for about 2 hrs., as after 9.30am the UV starts to creep up too high. Last thing I need is another skin cancer.

Green garlic as it didnt form and leeks. To be chopped and frozen for use.

Despite the work I am grateful for the garden and the bounty of vegetables and flowers it does produce, and with a bonus of no chemicals, season after season, as long as I do my part. 
I am now thinking though, that I may have to pull down the front ones, as John doesn't seem to want anything I grow, sticking to instant meals, so there is no need to produce so much. The soil is excellent in these front beds and I will exchange the back soil with it, and use them. I would prefer these wooden ones, much easier to use, but the back cannot be undone, as the front can. This means another revamp, but in no hurry, as finishing the painting in the house first.

Yellow tomatoes helps with no fruitfly.

The flowers have been lovely also, blooming in every garden., which means I can pick a vase full, every week, just little vases, dotted around the house.


The poppies have been really good this year, lots of colours.

Fortunately the native bee hive had to be split and John bought it home as it needs to be watched for 6 months, but as it happens the Government has done a big spraying at Nana Glen to get rid of the deadly Varroa Parasite, which sadly also means destroying the hives themselves. 

The spraying covers 25 km, so the other beehive came home as well, as the Community Gardens are in that zone. It has been installed in the neighbours garden, to avoid it being destroyed, as apparently the spray can kill native bees as well. They are both safe now and both have adapted to the new environments.

This morning I attacked the hedges. I have been putting it off for some time, in fact the neighbour has cuts his 4 times already, a bit excessive in my mind. Never the less I finally did it, but such a ligament jarring exercise, leaves me exhausted and aching.

Maybe this afternoon if cool enough I will clean up the mess, the path now also needs weeding again. The hydrangeas are looking lovely at the moment, and opposite the hedge.

I do love the blue colour, caused from the acidic soil, which means blueberries or azaleas could grow here as well.

Till Next Time.

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