How is everyone doing in lockdown now? We heard this week in Australia that in certain circumstances, 10 people are now allowed to gather within reason. That is still keeping our distance from everyone. I am in two minds whether I am suddenly going to join the large groups of people that are now descending upon shopping centres. The predicted 2nd. wave of the virus is happening in a few countries and I see no reason for it not to here. There are now quite a few different strains floating about the world. I do need to go to the hairdresser and chiropractor at some stage so it is a case of trusting your local practitioners.

Friday I received a new phone, compliments of the home surveys we do for the Neilson Company. We scan any food that comes in and then get points for each item. John organized it quite a few years ago,and it was up to over 7000 points, a new phone cost 3000. My old one has a cracked screen and would cost $150 to repair. We took the free points thank you very much. A Samsung A30, more space, narrower than old phone but longer, also better camera. I am now having fun trying to set it up, and ordered a purse wallet affair that has a magnetic back for it. I keep mine on the fridge during the day via the magnet and it sticks to the purse when shopping.
This is the one I ordered, phone sticks to magnet back inside cover. |
Yesterday my 12yr. old grandaughter came over at my request to help me in the garden and with inside as well. The eldest grandaughter has recently started work so mum dropped her off and picked her up, in the normal work run. I taught Miss P to prune 3 roses, picked limes off the tree and planted some new flower seedlings.
Now to repot in new soil and move them |
Cleaning this area then moving roses to inside brick line, for better sun. |
Inside I gathered every bit of jewellery I had which was a lot of old stuff from mums and mine from years ago plus current. The earring got put into a book, especially for it, and trays set up for different things like necklaces, brooches, bangles and such. Today I will finish this off
Part of the sorting with earring book. |
The result of all this though is I am now going to "hire" her for 3 hrs every 2nd.Sat. and get garden help with some lifting and cleaning and sorting, as well as inside such as the pantry and linen press for a start two enormous jobs. In the process though I will be teaching her a lot of things from spinning to crocheting, as well as preserving, cooking and gardening. Miss P loves all that I do, so feeling pleased I can teach her as well as get some jobs done. She is very pleased to earn a small income, especially starting high school next year.
We took 15 limes off this tree, for my Daughter in law to make cordial. They are enormous. |
John today has gone back to the Community Gardens, now that the restrictions are better. He is still working on the new shed, down the back, and I will take some photos of the progress next week.
Till Next Time.
That is such a wonderful arrangement Chris, to have the help of your Granddaughter. She will learn invaluable skills, a win win situation for both of you! My local hairdresser only has one client in the salon at a time, but when there are two clients, they are 1.5 metres apart.She does not take people that walk in from the street. I think a second and third wave are inevitable, so it's wise to be cautious.
ReplyDeleteThanks Robyne, One good thing is I am now thinking about what job to do next and preparing things for my grandaughter. Like your hairdresser precautions.